06 July 2006

Out of sync

My circadian rhythm is well and truly off the boil. I had 15 hours sleep last night, finally nodding off just after midnight and waking (rather groggily) at 3.30pm. Needless to say, I'm awake now because of this - and with no dissertation to be staying up for, it's all rather frustrating. My answer last night was to start taking the muscle relaxants - but my 15 hour slumber has rather put me off the idea.

So apart from the viva, I have no committments. I am effectively a free woman - and i'm passing bricks at the moment because the results are out at the end of next week. The viva doesn't particularly bother me, because my mark can't go down, only up. In the event of passing, I could be off to medical school this September (which is a fact I still can't get my head around), and even if I fail, it's Paramedic school - which I daresay would still see me satisfied (and not getting in any further debt!)

This last academic year has gone hellishly fast, and I really can't believe that today marks my 18 month anniversary as a blogger too. Needless to say, I really want to pass this masters, because to say the least, it would have been a waste of the best part of 6 grand, and my parents would probably never speak to me again.

I got my thesis back from the binders today - and I'm sad to say that looking at my work all professionally bound up has filled me with pride. In fact it was commented on tonight (by a good friend) that I was in an exceptionally happy mood. And I am. To say my career is being decided as I type, I'm very un-stressed. I guess it's because there's nothing I can do. And it may also be to do with this:

....I passed the last module on my masters (the one from the strike)

.....meaning it's just my thesis I have to pass now. Guys, cross everything for me please!


Anonymous said...

All crossed - but metaphorically, as when I tried crossing my fingers just now it actually hurt.

Anonymous said...

yay! Well done. Commensing crossing.

Anonymous said...

18 months? blimey... Wonder what metaphorical grey hairs look like.. hmm

All Criss-Crossed

DC said...

Fingers duly crossed.

Anonymous said...

Fingers are crossed... actually could barely type fingers there, also nearly published the comment without typing anything... all this free time must be getting to me!

Anonymous said...

Sending lots of luck your way, Merys.
Eyes crossed.

thinblueline said...

Good luck !

Anonymous said...

Consider stuff crossed.

And remember - whatever you end up doing, your circadian rythmns are going to be buggered from here on out...