The original title of this blog came after I was ranted at in the student union by someone who felt that students were a 'drain on society'. It's stuck since then.
31 December 2010
The end of the year
Possibly the worst part of the year came in February and March. I had an unexpected dance with some high risk blood from a patient at work. Not the best thing I've ever done and I had to go on a post-exposure regime for a month. Sick as a dog doesn't even come close to how shit I felt.
Thankfully it was only 30 days of tablet induced doom and then it was just worrying for 3-6 months to see if I'd contracted anything.
Aside from that I spent a fantastic academic year and passed everything without any resits - the first time that's happened at medical school. It set me up to go on elective well.
And speaking of elective, I had a fabulous time staying with the wonderful Laura while in London working at the BMJ. I had the opportunity to go out observing with Tom Reynolds/Brian Kellett on an ambulance night shift just before he left to return to nursing. I also had a rather cringeworthy experience sleeping on Laura's sofa while she and Mr Kellett got back together. There's a lot to be said for actually having walls...
After London I mooched up to Liverpool for another month to work in A&E for the second part of my elective. One word - fantastic. Great city, great placement, great experience. It made my decision for me about my career and now I'm truly hellbent on emergency medicine for the rest of my life.
Coming back from elective I had a slightly rough time and became ill. I'm not going to go into it too much but I got admitted to my own hospital twice for a while. It's been ongoing since but I'm not going to whinge.
Since then fifth year has taken up most of my time and has been really challenging.
Aside from that, I haven't done a great deal!
So with that, I wish you a happy and prosperous new year and here's hoping that this coming year I pass my finals and qualify as a doctor.
It seems such a long time ago that I started this blog when I was still doing my BSc...
Sometimes it's for the best
But I enjoyed the day a hell of a lot and did loads of cooking.
Thanks for all the advice regarding cooking guys. The Christmas cake and dinner were pretty good for a first attempt
24 December 2010
17 December 2010
Let Christmas Begin!
I'm breaking from tradition this year and having Christmas with my boyfriend and away from my parents. It's not necessarily what was planned, but sometimes these things have to be done.
This means that we get to keep the dog with us and have a nice chilled out celebration without arguments (of which there are normally many).
This does, however mean that I have to learn to make a Christmas dinner and a Christmas cake...
...any tips anyone??
08 December 2010
My thoughts are with the 184 students who have not initially been granted a job. There are at least two of my friends who fall into that category.
07 December 2010
To work or not to work, that is the question?
I may well know very soon if I have an immediate post for next year. And it could well be anywhere...
Scared much??
30 November 2010
A grand balls up
Sadly 184 will not. The programme is truly over subscribed for the first time ever.
There is not yet a firm contingency plan, just a hope to place people as drop outs or failures occur.
I'm worried...
10 November 2010
Sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in.
05 November 2010
04 November 2010
Intense times
It's time for some serious nose to the grindstone.
Wish me luck.
27 October 2010
The wrong side of twenty
As well as some wonderful presents I was lucky enough to spend the day on placement in an interesting area. My house mate made me a delectable chocolate cake and I blew out far too many candles.
As usual the fifth year is chaotic and I've just submitted my FPAS application and have everything crossed that I rank in region that I actually want to be in (i.e. anywhere in the top 6).
For now it's still a case of getting well (I've still not got over the problem that landed me in hospital in August) and getting on with trying to work my backside off!
08 October 2010
Foundation Programme
So good luck to all those who will be reading the questions for the first time on Monday morning (should the website actually work)
30 September 2010
The missing sample
Two weeks ago. Remember that.
I went to the phlebotomy department with my form and watched her take my sample and send it off.
Yet two weeks later they haven't got my result. Apparently 'it takes a while'. A while yes, two or three days I can allow. But two weeks?
My gut says it's been lost and needs retaking. Desperately frustrating when all I want is final clearance.
Two weeks. Is a long time after 6 months...
25 September 2010
My baby is back
Not a big issue to you, I'm sure. But nonetheless a major delight to me.
More blogging on the go and more flickr photos taken on the move. All is good.
20 September 2010
An unusual effect
A tutor who insists that none of us shall fail our final year. That we must start thinking like doctors, and to ensure that this sinks it, she will refer to us as Drs from now on.
Having a member of staff refer to you as Dr Jones for over an hour is an odd experience. But it did have the desired effect, I started thinking like an F1....
16 September 2010
The land of the 5th year medical student
I have some blog posts in the works, but in the mean time, good luck to all the new medical students who are starting university sometime in the next few weeks/days. I will be going along to our freshers week for a good, old fashioned 'weigh up the first years'!
You never know, I might even see some of you there...
10 September 2010
Life and academia
So yeah, 5th year. Scary territory. Straight in with a bang next week and straight onto placement a few days later.
I'm hoping that I can keep up the blogging (without whining about my health, because it's just so tiresome for you all to read!) so we'll see what happens.
Wish me luck
03 September 2010
This time I'm trying with the UK based equivalent They have the advantage of having UK currency and better shipping options but less capability to add widget sidebars to the blog.
So a few pieces will be going on over the next few days, and a link will be going on the sidebar at some point. Happy looking!
26 August 2010
Freedom at last
I've had my eyes opened by the whole hospital system. It's very different being a patient when you work in a hospital, and you realise just how much patients are kept out of the loop. I've come to realise that, as predicted, some consultants are wonderful, and some are wonderful tutors and have a less humane bedside manner. Equally, the junior doctors are the ones who actually seem to know what's going on. This is just based on my own personal observations. Remember, whatever you write in the notes can be read by patients; I requested to see my notes for my admission while I was in. I did laugh when I read:
"O/E Knitting"
Hence the knitting for distraction from pain! It's very easy to be two-faced to a patient and write something different in the notes, but it's not massively difficult to request to see them as the patient.
The nursing staff were superb, and I was very lucky to have been placed on the private ward because I was staff. A favour that saved me many more sleepless hours than I would have had on a bay.
All in all, it's been a very low week physically. I've slept very little and been poked and prodded by every variety of doctor and nurse. I think any shred of dignity was gone when one of the staff nurses I work with a lot did a 12 lead ECG on me and I ended up laying bare chested in front of her.
I hope the tablets work, I have a month to find out, and if not, then who knows. Fingers crossed...
24 August 2010
Knitting for distraction part 2
The very definition of boredom.
22 August 2010
Knitting for distraction
I did genuinely *try* to do a night shift on Thursday night, but it ended with increasing amounts of pain and me having to go home. I spent the rest of the night awake on the sofa taking painkillers and struggling to get comfortable. Friday morning I went to see a GP who readmitted me. That's kind of where the story lies at the moment.
I've been in since Friday and spent most of that time knitting for distraction - hence the picture. Sadly, in about an hour I will have finished a pair of socks and have very little to distract myself. Guess that just leaves expensive trashy telly then!
19 August 2010
Back to work
Tonight I'm back to work for my first shift back and I thought I'd leave you with this photograph. I've discovered that arterial blood gases hurt. Hurt a lot. And in future I will not dig around in my patients' wrists when I'm struggling (thanks for that random doctor in the North West!)
And yes, as you will notice from the above photograph, I do have amazing veins...
18 August 2010
Designer changes
I shall see where the mood takes me.
Watch this space - literally.
help with spam
You guys are all in the know. How do I stop random spam messages, in Chinese from landing on my comments. I don't want to make comments moderated and even so, they still have Blogger accounts anyway!
Any ideas?
03 August 2010
Scary times
With any luck (and a lot of hard work) I should have more important things to worry about at that time, since it might well be my first day at work as a doctor.
Now that is a scary thought.
01 August 2010
And so it's back to the real world
I'm sure last night I irritated the hell out of the staff nurses I was working with, as I was struggling to switch back into HCA role and was concerned about a patient.
It's made me realise more than ever that I made the right career move. While I'm sure I would have been happy training to be a paramedic in the short term, I think I would have still eventually made a transition to medicine at some point.
So basically, I need to work my arse off for the next 10 months until the end, and hopefully everything will come to fruition!
26 July 2010
The final throes
I might not have travelled the world, but I've had one of the most immense times of my life.
I loved staying in London, and am eternally grateful to the BMJ for putting up with me for 4 weeks, but I feel more attuned to Liverpool. So much so that I would quite happily consider packing up and moving up here after my foundation years. Maybe it's just the Northerner in me, or maybe I would be happy working in London doing emergency medicine - who knows yet?
I've learnt so much! From the BMJ viewpoint, and although I haven't really shown it here since, I feel that my writing style has matured a great deal. I've become much more interested in health education and health media and am more interesting in keeping abreast of public affairs with regards to medicine.
And practical skills wise - I CAN SUTURE! HURRAH! I've gotten much better at cannulation, even though the equipment is different to what I've been taught on, and I've actually done some catheters as well.
The staff in the hospital have been truly superb and I'm very thankful to them all.
19 July 2010
Plodding through the puke
I worked nights last week and this week I have twilights. The variability is suiting me as I can happily sleep through the daytime, and the mood of the department and its clientele changes with the setting sun.
And while I've been to Liverpool before, I have only visited, never lived. The city has changed a lot since then, but it's very vibrant and multicultural. It also seems to appeal to my love of having everything easily accessible. It even has an underground, although I haven't used it so far.
All is good, in case you haven't guessed.
14 July 2010
Being in Yorkshire
The garden and orchard are in full bloom, and every tree seems to be trying to take over. I do miss having a good source of fresh fruit and vegetables, even if I do have to pick them myself. Supermarket or market stall just isn't quite the same...
This is a moth that my father has collected in the orchard. The photo came out amazingly well given that it was taken on my BlackBerry. He's very keen on his wildlife stuff (which hasn't particularly rubbed off on me) and after he's looked at them he puts them in a hedgerow.
I do miss things like that. City life can't beat that one.
11 July 2010
Changing schedules
Since I don't go back in for a few days I've popped home to see my parents. Apparently Liverpool to Yorkshire isn't that far.
Photos to follow.
07 July 2010
Goodbye London, Hello Liverpool
So far it's an amazing city and the department is very friendly and excellent for educational opportunities. It's fair to say that I love both the place and the workload.
The nurses are amazing, the consultants are great and I've not met a bad person yet! It's going to be an enjoyable month (fingers crossed!)
03 July 2010
Packing: part two
You may also notice that some of the layout of the blog is changing. I'm trying to streamline that too. If you're reading by RSS then hop over and take a look, for old time's sake.
There is a handy 'contact me' page now on the top right bar, and a '100 things' which is stuck at 15 until I can update it.
Adverts are down for the moment until someone gets back to me with a new offer, else they're staying off.
There may be some big changes ahead, who knows.
Until then, wish me luck.
30 June 2010
A musical few days
So far the elective has been an amazing experience, and I can't believe I'm halfway through already. Hopefully, when I'm in Liverpool this time next week I'll be loving it just as much.
In other news, I'm trying to persuade Laura to start blogging again and I think she's reconsidering it. I would be, in proper Yorkshire terms, dead chuffed if you could pop on by her blog and leave her a comment on here and tell her to get her arse into gear. If you get my drift.
Blimey, I haven't posted so many links in a damned long time...
25 June 2010
Medical education
It's free and easy to register and YOU DON'T NEED TO BE A DOCTOR!!!
My post is here and I will have some more shiny, sparkly, good news for you all later!
Also, if I can remember where I hid it I will resurrect the flickr link to my page on the site.
22 June 2010
There's a first time for everything
In September I will be a fifth year. And nothing scares me more.
18 June 2010
On Sunday my other half is heading down to visit and I was thinking of taking him to West End Live. Does anyone else have any suggestions of free, fun things to do in London that aren't necessarily weather dependent?
Other than that, it might be time to explore Whitechapel a bit further...
16 June 2010
Book reviews
So far I'm loving this; it would be funnier if it weren't so true! Being a GP is something I could never do; too many targets and QOF battles. Hospital medicine for me all the way - but I don't half respect GPs!
Full review will follow when I've finished reading it in the bath!
15 June 2010
Clattering in heels
I have realised that I'm too polite for the underground stations as I keep being knocked over all the time.
If anyone fancies a pint or a coffee (or a pint of coffee) then drop me an email at and we can work something out, I'm sure.
This week and next week has some excitement in store, but I will blog about it in due time.
I just need to start wearing flat shoes. I can already feel my achilles tendons shortening after only 10 days!
So far though, elective = win!
13 June 2010
Somewhere in London
I'm clearly too polite for the Underground at rush hour as I keep getting knocked out of the way, but weeks 2, 3 and 4 are for elbow training. I might just be able to hold my own after a month!
I've gone Flickr pro on my account (just click this picture) and I will be posting a lot of my elective pictures up there. Some of them need some work first...
But for now, I have a shift back at my old hospital and I have the world's worst hayfever.
07 June 2010
Day 1

06 June 2010
The eagle has landed
First day tomorrow, wish me luck!
The adventures of the fuzzy haired medical student
AKA My hair straighteners are packed and my hair has gone back to nature.
For anyone who follows me on Twitter I was debating last night how many pairs of shoes I could justifiably take with me for a month in London (because I will be detouring home again for a suitcase swap before the second month of elective). So far the shoe count stands at:
Gladiator sandals
Pink plimsolls
Red patent block heels
Black flared heel Hush Puppies
Black Birkenstocks
Tan leather courts
Pale pink ballet pumps
Grey and rainbow Babysham trainers
…and potentially a pair of killer heels in case anyone feels like inviting me out anywhere. Well, you never know….
There are a couple of certainties in all of this; I have a horrific shoe obsession and am in fact a shoe whore, Laura might not be happy at my shoe collection (as I am staying with her in London), and I'm going to have VERY sore feet after a month of mainly heels…..
05 June 2010
So, erm... elective packing....
So I need to stop procrastinating and at least pack the hair straighteners and hair dryer...
And I best get back on with it.
03 June 2010
Elective countdown
I'm scared of getting lost, I'm scared of messing up and I'm scared that my makeup will melt on the tube!
But most of all I'm not ready. My washing isn't done and I'm sure I don't have everything I need.. But still, London here I come.
31 May 2010
Round up
On Saturday night I was invited out with the nurses of MAU for a staff nurse's leaving party. I felt really honoured to have been invited and included since I'm a bank auxiliary nurse and don't work permanently on the ward. It was a really fun night out and I've come to the conclusion that nurses parties are mental.
It was my last night out as this time next week I will be on elective. Argh!
27 May 2010
Minor problem
Looks like the reserve is coming off the bench for tomorrow. Wish me luck!
25 May 2010
Exams and Electives
Just the one more exam and then I'm a free woman. I'm currently making my final shopping list, and it goes something like this:
1. Makeup bags. I won't look dog rough for 8 weeks
2. Mobile internet dongle - currently on the way
3. Several pairs of linen trousers
4. Spare cables for various charging thingies
5. Upgrade phone next week
So, if you're in either of those cities and you fancy a coffee at some point, drop me a line or a tweet
18 May 2010
08 May 2010
Inappropriate terms of endearment
Yesterday I finally got around to it.
Now allow me to explain something... I'm no dumbass when it comes to cars. I can't tell you the finer points of the internal combustion engine, but I can easily recognise one car from another, and know which car to avoid. My other half has commented that 'for a girl' I know a lot about cars. This is mainly because I watch a lot of Dave.
Anyhow, I do know when to play the 'girl card'. Like when I need some bits for the car and don't know how to fit them. Yesterday I never even got that far. I walked into the parts office of the dealership, hadn't even had chance to say hello when the manager used the most inappropriate term of endearment I have ever had the misfortune to be on the receiving end of.
He called me Blossom.... (does the picture make sense to anyone now?)
Now I obviously did something right because I came out with a 15% discount on parts, but my other half has now decided that he is sending me in from now on...
I'm now sure how long I can grit my teeth for, even in the light of a 15% discount.
06 May 2010
Election 2010
I hope it doesn't happen, but the predictions from the close of polls state that a hung parliament is the most likely.
But there's nothing to do but wait.
And I can't wait up and watch the results come in, for I have hospital tomorrow day time...
05 May 2010
Revising hard
And for those who say that highlighting books is wrong, well deal with it. I won't be selling them on, and it's a damn good way to learn...
03 May 2010
The revision journals
Medics and non-medics alike.... Tell me what subject you're currently revising.
I'll start you off. Today I shall mostly be looking at dementia and cardiology. But how about you?
02 May 2010
Feel the burn!
a) I'm still alive. Very much so. Last seen in London on a MPS/PME revision course which nearly killed me through caffeine induced tachycardia and exhaustion.
b) I'm revising for exams, as you may have guessed. My head is wedged into a book, namely this one. And I suspect it will be there for a while.
c) I'm waiting for a HIV and Hep C test following the whole blood splash debacle. Life is still on hold with that one
17 April 2010
Brain Fry
Anyway, the reason I'm in London is because I've been on the PME revision course at the School of Pharmacy, University of London.
I swear, my brain is dribbling out of my ears at the moment, but it was worth absolutely every penny paid. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's day of surgical revision, and hopefully this year I can avoid the shame of resits....
14 April 2010
Because my bar manager is laughing at me...
Plus, I swear she keeps laughing at me to the other customers, it's just that I can't hear her.
At least she didn't see me cleaning the bar last night dancing around to Spotify and Otis Redding (hard to handle).
For anyone interested, this is my playlist at the moment...
Then at least you can see why I can't keep still behind the keyboard.
04 April 2010
Career Moves
You may be pleased to hear that I have no intentions of quitting medicine. I will not be cashing in my 4 years for a BSc in Medical Sciences, and I intend to graduate as a doctor next year.
In fact, I have never been more certain of my career path than I am now.
Medicine is not a choice, it's a lifestyle and a lifespan. You're either in it for the duration or you aren't. I worked too hard and fought for too long to not get where I want to be now, and if I have to pass others who fall by the wayside, then so be it. I wish them the best.
But medicine is where I want to be. And I will be a kick-ass doctor.
01 April 2010
Time to say goodbye
My recent blood exposure and all the stress associated with it has forced me to reevaluate my medical career.
At the end of this year I will be cashing in my 4 years for a BMedSci and moving into writing on a more permanent basis.
As for the blog, who knows. I'll keep it up to date until I finish my elective, but after that maybe it's time to say goodbye to Merys and hello to the real person behind her....
25 March 2010
The Great Stethoscope Debate

23 March 2010
Bullet bitten
Everything went by without a hitch and now I'm back on placement for one more arduous week before Easter holidays.
Now if only I could get over my obsession with wearing gloves to do everything at work then I'd be happy. I guess it's to be expected for a while.
More Occupational Health coming soon....
21 March 2010
Getting back on the horse
Since my blood exposure I've only done one shift at work. I did a sedate morning in elderly care and spent the entire time running to the toilet to retch.
Today I'm getting back on the horse. The nurse office called me up yesterday; there's a long day shift available on Medical Assessment for Sunday, would you be willing to work it. I said yes before I really even thought about it.
So in 10 minutes I will be getting on my bike and seeing if I can get my feet through the door of the ward and back to where it happened.
As far as I'm aware, Frank still hasn't consented.
11 March 2010
Occupational health appointment today.
I don't know whether I've been lucky to be under the head of Occ Health at the hospital or not.
On the one hand he's written a cracking letter to the medical school explaining everything rather eloquently - and far more so than I was able to do when I went in and jibbered at them the day after exposure. He has rightly told me to refrain from exposure prone procedures* for the next 3 months until I've been given the all clear.
On the other hand, I suspect he thinks I know too much. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
For example, I know that the fact that I'm covered in tiny pinpoint bruises and any small cut bleeds rather madly means that my haematological values may have gone a bit astray. He knows that I know this. He knows that I know that I will have to stop PEP.
Unfortunately this is where I stop being a rational medic and a rather emotional member of Joe Public. It means that I'm convinced that if I stop PEP that I will immediately seroconvert. I've decided now that it's all down to fate.
Now I just have to wait for a phone call telling me what my bloods are doing and when my next occupational health appointment is going to be. If all is normal-ish, then it's back in 2 weeks, and if all is bonkers, it's back in a week and stop PEP immediately.
Anyway, I did get some more news on the 'source patient'. A brief word about that term – source patient. I hate it. It's such a vague hospital way of getting round the issue of confidentiality and trying to desensitise it. They know I know who the patient is, and they know I know. As if I would forget. I think I'm more offended by the fact that they aren't referring to Frank as 'Frank' and more as a 'Source'.
Anyhow, the medical school knows, but the students don't know. I think they might think I'm pregnant due to the amount of times I chuck myself out of the room at high speed and in the direction of the toilet. I've also had to avoid any patients with coughs, colds and minor infections because I'm probably immunosuppressed at the moment. I can understand why everyone thinks I'm up the duff, but it amuses me that no-one has actually asked me yet. I guess I'll be more offended if anyone thinks I'm starting to 'show'.
*For the non-medics out there, an Exposure Prone Procedure is one whereby you risk exposing the patient to any blood borne viruses you have. This means that you can't put your hands into any blind cavities or do anything where you can't see your fingertips. As a clinical medical student this means I can't do the following:
- Vaginal examinations or smears
- PR examinations
Scrub into surgery for anything other than the most minor surface procedures. I've been advised not to scrub at all.
07 March 2010
PEP – the worst name in the world

Post Exposure Prophylaxis is the best thing I could be taking at the moment. But calling it 'PEP' is a slight misnomer. I have never felt less 'peppy' in my entire life.
My dreams are weird, I have what my other half has coined 'death breath', I feel like something metallic has rusted in my mouth and taken some bread in there to go mouldy at the same time.
And these are the more annoying and less worrying things…
- My stomach can't decide whether it's hungry, full, upset or what.
- I can't stop bruising – everywhere
- My face and scalp has erupted into spots and pustules
- I'm permanently exhausted
- And I seem to have gotten a nasty ganky cough to go with all of this.
06 March 2010
03 March 2010
Some point soon
23 February 2010
Dog Days Are Over
Florence + the Machine seems to be my saviour at the moment. I absolutely love the song Dog days are over, as it seems to just send me dancing like a loon at the moment.
Hopefully my mood is turning, but I have an appointment with my personal tutor tomorrow so we will see how that goes.
I must make a mental note to write an action plan, or at least write it here.
Will you all tweet me in the morning and say 'action plan' at me?!
20 February 2010
Say ‘Pants’ to it all
I'm normally pretty horrific at co-ordinating my underwear (bear with me here, this is going somewhere….) but today I have justifiable reason. Nearly four years ago I posted this. It's not so much the blog content, but the photograph. Now the ill-fated pants never did get worn, I guess I threw them out. But with weight loss and gain and exercise changes over the last few years my body shape has changed, and I now own another pair of WonderWoman pants. And they will see me through the nightshift I am about to embark on… in fact, if I get another 6 pairs then they can see me through every single week for the rest of medical school…..
Except this time you aren't getting a photograph cos my butt is in them at the moment. There's a thought to keep you all going through the night.
17 February 2010
Red Mist
I would have been blogging a little more over the past 2 weeks, except the anger that I was radiating would have probably killed your computer. Let's face it, I can't be held responsible for any rage against the machine(s)*
Things not going too well, +++ angry at present, depression kicked in with a massive bang on top of that….
But, there is a plan this time.
Medication change, some form of person centred approach and a mood diary.
Hopefully normal life will be resumed shortly. If not, expect long-ish periods of silence…
*sorry couldn't resist
09 February 2010
Oops I did it again…
February 6th marks this blog's anniversary and lo, I have missed celebrating it again. I have kept this blog for 5 years now, and it seems like an eternity.
It marks my progression from BSc student, to MSc student, to medical student… and who knows, maybe beyond.
I have some plans for the blog in the next 12 months, as this place and pseudonym has opened some amazing doors. But for that I guess you will just have to wait and see….
05 February 2010
The end of the week and the start of a new me?
I haven't been out in fancy dress for ages. I haven't had the money, the inclination or the reason. Tomorrow that changes.
Tomorrow I will be a wig-wearing stiletto-tottering fancy dress nightmare in pink. But I would like to explain that it's all in a good cause. Tomorrow night is a night on the tiles for Breast Cancer (hence the pink).
There will be no photographs, at least not on here anyway. So for the time being I need to start the preparations (and fairy wings/halo making) early. Hopefully on Sunday I will be sober and awake enough to blog, but if not, see you on Monday at some point….
31 January 2010
Crimes against exercise
I know it's late, but I think my sleep cycle has gotten a little confused.
I'm glad my housemates have all gone out for the night, both for my benefit and their own. Much therapy would be needed if they could see what an arse I've just been making of myself.
This is above and beyond an exercise DVD, this is Just Dance for the Wii. Possibly the most addictive and sweat inducing game in the world, once you get over the humiliation of thinking 'it's a good job nobody can see me at the moment, as I look like a buffoon'.
Anyway, showered and cleaned I'm not sat huddled under a blanket, in my fresh-from-the-dryer pyjamas watching the cheesiest DVD in the world.. Alvin and the Chipmunks. At least I'm happy.
30 January 2010
Boots, Homeopathy and Ten23
You may or may not be aware that at 10:23 this morning a mass 'overdose' of homeopathic tablets was planned outside several large branches of Boots stores in large cities in the UK (full story here). Organised by the Merseyside Sceptics Society and the 10:23 campaign, the aim was to send a clear message to Boots – stop promoting homeopathy in the UK, next to paracetamol and drugs that have proven benefits.
I have had arguments about homeopathy this week, and my stance is something like this….
- The placebo effect is a marvellous thing. I have no issue with people using any medication or treatment if it works for them. Personally, I've used Chinese herbal therapies to try and alleviate joint pain in the past. It didn't work for me, but that's just me.
- If alcohol was sold in the same way as homeopathic drugs, then no-one would ever get drunk. I could make you a drink that had previously had Vodka in it, but was now diluted so far that it only had the 'memory' of the molecule in it. Although it might solve the UK binge drinking problem, I can't see any consumers becoming massive supporters, or even believers of the benefits of it.
- We have been advocating pharmacy support for years now as a method of reducing GP and A&E attendances. So while the patient is there, they might buy homeopathic remedies instead of 'tried and tested' medicines that could solve their problem. They lose faith because the problem gets worse.
The fallout to today's mass 'overdose' could be interesting. I shall watch and wait….
29 January 2010
Things I don’t want to do this year…
Go on elective.
Well, that's a lie. And due to the nature of my elective there is a possibility that the people I'm doing my elective with may well be reading this.
To clarify, I DO want to do my elective, and I am very grateful for you for accepting me.
Plans have changed. I was meant to be going to Jamaica but I cancelled it. For my own reasons, both financial and personal I didn't feel it would be feasible. I budgeted my elective as costing somewhere in the region of £4000, and that covers my rent for my accommodation while I will be away. I just can't do it.
People have suggested to me (on here) that the UK is a perfectly good destination for electives, so I started thinking a bit more. A lot of students in my year are staying in the UK, so there is no real pressure for me to head to far flung shores, plus I was getting seriously concerned about the prospect of spending 8 weeks abroad and having a 'black dog episode', without much support.
Needless to say I will be staying here. My elective is being split into two four-week placements, and you never know, I may well be coming to a place near you….
24 January 2010
Band on the run
This morning two songs on my iPod made me smile like a loon whilst pedaling like a nutter:
Band on the run by Wings
Footloose by (I have no idea)
Consequently I was home in 10 minutes.
I'm now sat in my pajamas watching last night's Casualty and drinking margarita.
Happy days.
Good night all....
16 January 2010
Dear body,
It will happen more. You came willingly to both step aerobics and the gym yesterday so now we both must face the consequences.
It's the start of a new year!
....and it hurts
09 January 2010
It's snow joke
I'm getting seriously fed up of the snow now. It's buggered up all ability to cycle ANYWHERE.
The last time I tried cycling in the snow was coming back from my New Year's Eve shift and I nearly needed new underwear by the time I got home.
The lack of road salt means that cyclepaths haven't even been considered, and as foolish as I am I'm not even attempting it. Sod the carbon footprint and carparking costs, I'm just going to have to keep driving to placement until the snow clears...
05 January 2010
Hacked off
03 January 2010
Confidential Respond,
I appear to have been hacked. Normal service will resume shortly once all passwords have been changed. Apologies to anyone who thought I was having a Phishing nervous breakdown.
Musical Influences
I was doing some random YouTube trolling (always happens when I'm trying to get some serious work done) and I came across this amazing song. I think they're an unsigned act, but jeez they rock! And it sticks to the resolution of being true to myself..
So enjoy with my regards - Compact Pussycat
01 January 2010
New Year's Eve 2
Edited: For anyone who saw the original post that was here, this is why you should never blog at silly o'clock in the morning while not really awake.