This is Hans. I know he says he's called Tim, but I decided to rename him.
He helped me to drive this weekend.
Oddly his female counterpart wound me up beyond all belief and had me yelling back at the screen. I really don't know how the ambulance service cope with them all the time. I know they're very useful and I would have been up the proverbial creek without Hans, but the voice would get on my nerves for all-day everyday use.
I also did a 'first' yesterday - the M25. I've heard many bad things about the M25, but have yet to experience them! Traffic was light, moving and not hogging lanes, so I could nip through at 70 and get on my way without annoying everyone.
And no, I didn't crash someone else's car, although I may have burnt the clutch slightly....
We just turn the volume off...;~)
Septic Peg can be quite irritating, but nowhere near as annoying as Handsome Harry, the other option. Can't hear either of them over the sirens to be honest.
The biggest problem I have with sat nav is the time it takes to fire up after starting the vehicle, not a problem if you know where you are going, but anything up to 90 seconds waiting if you don't.........
Wow, first time I was on the M25 I ended up in near stand-still traffic, still to was around 6pm, so it was to be expected. Voices on sat navs dont tend to annoy me, i'm too busy concentrating on not getting lost...
I know I'm good at getting lost as I managed to get lost in Aintree on the way to Ormskirk, with both written directions and a sat nav. Yay me!
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