I did something yesterday that I'd never done before.
(I went to Starbucks for the first time ever)
I was in the 'business' end of town, and as they say, "When in Rome......"
So the question was: What do I order??
Simple: The first thing on the menu - Tall Caramel Macchiato
And how did that go?? It looks kinda nasty.. Then again, I'm not a big fan of caramel...
It was really nice on the first day - then I foolishly decided to try it with soya. This wasn't quite as nice.
Someone once told me that "Coffee is the new lager" - what an idiot!
Starbucks nooooooooooooooooo. No becuase of any moral objections, just bevause the coffee is bad.
Heck..Starbucks is the city dwellers heaven. That caffine boost in the morning....mmmh yeeeh. The biggest problem is when you have an officer order to get. A single drink order can be enough to forget... single shot extra skinny double latte with sugar??? they get alot worse too..
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