19 March 2007


paid adverts for this blog.
Or funding for medical degree.

I'm sorry, I may have to sell myself out. You see, I need the cash, or I can't carry on with medical school.

yours, Merys

All emails to bloodystudents@hotmail.co.uk


Anonymous said...

What about the rolling in mud? Or how about selling your possessions on Ebay? Auxilliary nursing? Prostitution?

God forbid, you could even take out a loan ;)

Merys said...

rolling in mud. aux nursing all relief kinda work, and can't be relied upon.
sadly I have few possessions worthy of selling on eBay.
And I'm all loaned out through doing a MSc

Dash said...

I know it sounds kinda obvious, but have you been to your careers lots to look for sponsorship. When I looked at it there was only funding for medics. None for vets :(

Anonymous said...

So what will you do when you drop out of medical school? Fulltime mud-rolling?

Anonymous said...

That just leaves going on the game then Merys.


Merys said...

ecparamedic - well if you want to pay my fees for the year, I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement...

Anonymous said...

I'm begining to think you are a drain on society

Petri Fish said...

Merys, if you're serious, have you thought about Google ads? They're pretty easy to set up and you get a percentage from each time someone clicks an ad (I think). I looked into it for my forum (admissionsforum.net) but then didn't like the whole idea of having ads (for now). You might want to investigate it ...
There's more info here: https://www.google.com/adsense/login3?gsessionid=TQ7IW7Cw0zo
PS. I'm not in any way condoning them! It's just something I thought of in the past too.