14 March 2007


I really really really need to start my PBL. It's due in tomorrow....
But I think I shall procrastinate a little more with some Grey's Anatomy.


Kitten Heels said...

I'm so glad I read this - I'm not the only one with masses of work that needs doing! I have a done a whole 700 words of my 3000 word report due tomorrow that is worth 30% of my overall grade (trembles).

Now...what channel is Grey's anatomy on?

Phoenix said...

Without wishing to state the obvious... what have you been doing up until now? Hoping the work would do itself?

Bloody students...

Merys said...

Kitten Heels: I'm watching Grey's online

HP: Well I was hoping... and if you want to experience PBL you can do it for me!

Phoenix said...

I've experienced PBL plenty enough, thank you Merys! (but such a kind offer all the same...)

Seriously, what's the reason for your procrastination?

When I have work to do I procrastinate, then when I get into it I usually enjoy it. I have no idea why I procrastinate, but I think there's some sort of fear involved. Fear that the work is going to be beyond my capability or something. It's not laziness anyway... definitely not...

What's the PBL on?

Merys said...

HP - check your emails.

Phoenix said...

What - instead of spamming your blog?

Fine. Right. I will.

The Angry Medic said...

*gasp* You mean--you mean you email OTHER people too? You mean I'm not the only one?!

*bursts into tears* Merys - how could you?! I thought - I thought I was SPECIAL!

*EastEnders theme plays*

Missed you last week. The Revue went fantastically well though, we sold out every night. And yes, Grey's Anatomy is VERY addictive, isn't it?

I'll just sue the producers when I fail my degree...

Anonymous GP said...

yes grey's anatomy- sooo addictive, i'm nearing the end of the 2nd series. Decided had better finish them befor go back to university if I have a hope of passing the year..