11 May 2006

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Apparently the answer to all my problems lies with anti-depressants. Namely, fluoxetine (you may know is better by the brand name prozac).

Now, I'm not a doctor - but I do know I'm not depressed. Occasionally stressed and frequently pissed off, but I wouldn't say I have depression.
Needless to say I refused the prescription. I like my life and I don't want to take mood altering medications. Especially when I only went to the GP for back pains.
My problem lies with communication. I get upset because I feel ignored. This has been going on for 4 years and I've had a barrage of investigations; x-rays, blood tests, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, rheumatology appointments. All have come back negative, so no-one seems especially bothered - except me. I'm bothered. I'm grumpy when I'm in pain, and I get upset. So sue me. After a bit of a poke and a prod (which hurt) it was decided that I could be referred to either acupunture or remedial massage (but not both). Interestingly, my GP told me over 12 months ago that she would refer me to acupuncture and osteopathy. When I queried this yesterday, I'd never been referred. Great - just great.

So, given my current track record, either I won't have been referred at all, or the appointment will come through when I move to my next university.


Anonymous said...

I thought they thought you were depressed. (Or why give you the amitryptyline when there are better treatments for muscle spasm and it is not helping your pain?!)

Interestingly, my GP told me over 12 months ago that she would refer me to acupuncture and osteopathy. When I queried this yesterday, I'd never been referred.

That happened to me once, I was furious. What about the pain clinic (which might offer acupuncture and massage)? You should have had an appointment by now, even in Wales, you'd have had one by now...

Merys said...

Hi Jayanne, no I've never suffered with depression. The amitriptyline is to help me sleep (and has actually been replaced now with Dosulepin).
With regards to the pain clinic referral - I don't know, and I don't think the GP cares.

Anonymous said...

Hello Merys

I didn't think you'd had depression, I thought perhaps they'd given you the amitryptyline because they thought you had but not told you that. To my mind amitryptiline is not a good sleeping aid in that it activates as well as sedating (well, it does in some people). Dosulepin belongs to the same family of drugs as amitryptiline (they're both tricyclic antidepressants, both, effective) but is less often used for pain relief, it seems.
Oh dear. I don't quite know what to suggest. Sorry.

thinblueline said...

You sound just like every other normal person in this planet getting on with life.... stick with it girl your not alone.

Keep on trucking ! :)