03 March 2006

It's all a tiny bit bizarre....

Well. I've had a recent barrage of interviews for various universities and various courses (hence why I went Dahn Sarf), and I find myself in a complete and utter quandry now.

As I previously mentioned, I have an offer for medical school. A conditional offer, meaning that I have to pass my masters if I wish to accept the place. This particular medical school has around 250 students (I think), and still has made more offers than places available.

Recently something very bizarre has happened. I have been made an offer to train to be a Paramedic through university. An unconditional offer. For anyone who doesn't know about how the UCAS system works in the UK, an unconditional offer refers to the university being happy with existing qualifications, and/or being so impressed that they don't care what you get in your current studies. I think I fall into the former category, having too many qualifications already.

The thing that suprised me about the offer to be a paramedic - they only have around 30 places for candidates, so they can't offer more places than they have.

What suprised me even more; getting an offer after digging myself a JCB sized hole and arguing (albeit constructively) with the interviewer about the new CPR guidelines and ethical implications of the automated chest compressors. All good fun.

Still very confused about my career plans. But thank you to the 4 people who think I should be a lap dancer. Always helpful.


Anonymous said...

Just found your blog and decided to leave a comment due to your previous post about lurking. I was born in Barrow but am spending m old age in Florida. I shall follow your career dilemna with great interest. Lizzie

DC said...

I guess it depends whether you want/can afford another 5 years at university to do the med course. How longs the paramedic course?

Anonymous said...

you should follow your dream -become a doctor !! or you may regret it!! it is easier to become a doctor first and then transfer but you won't have the same opportunity if you become a paramedic and then in 10 years decide to become a doctor ! Aim high !!

Anonymous said...

It's not actually that *much* harder to become a doctor after being a paramedic - it may even strenghen an application.

Either way Merys, follow your heart. Good luck.

Mat said...

Go for which ever one takes your fancy.

Obviously, you could always put medicine as your F choice, and Paramedic as your I choice.

To be honest do you want people to be rude and throw up on you after 5 or 3 years....assuming no one does this whilst your training.

It's up to you, lap dancing probably pays better but has shorter career prospects.

Anonymous said...

Although it's always a good option to help pay fees.

A girl from RVC used to dance at Stringfellows and there's someone I know at medical school who works as a high class whore in Knightsbridge...

Mat said...

"All I want to do is become a doctor..."

That answers your question doesn't it :) If thats what you want thats what you want, now pass that masters.....

Anonymous said...


Toss a coin - say Heads for Paramedic, then if you feel disappointed when it comes up Heads go for doctoring...

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I dunno, working as a lap dancer or prostitute would certainly pay better than bar work ... not that I've ever been tempted myself *pulls angelic face*