15 June 2007


1 spare nerve. My last one seems to have migrated for better accommodation.

If I wasn't so tired/stressed/in pain I could be a very angry person at the moment.

As it is, I can't be arsed. Two exams down, two to go (pending passing them, that is).

On the plus side, it appears to have stopped raining here. Which is nice. Because being stuck in an exam hall when the sun is shining (and everyone else is outside frolicking) really improves my mood.

Lord knows what I'll do if I fail these exams. I'm not sure I could cope with the resits!


Calavera said...

Don't think about resits just yet.


Focus.... you'll be fine.

MB said...

Good luck, fingers are crossed for u

Ms-Ellisa said...

Good luck :-D
I feel for you. I have 8 exams to go, and I can't face any resits either. Plus, the whether is bound to be at 36 C from Monday and the worldis filled with thin tanned girls... I feel white as milk and my head is spinning...

Lola Cherry Cola said...

Been there done that, just take a deep breath and focus, don't even think about resits for the time being. And certainly don't go running yourself ragged, things will be better after the exams.

Harry said...

just think - only four more years of med school left...lol

oh well thats one less than me :S

The Angry Medic said...

Ooh I just went through all this a coupla weeks ago. All the best driving yourself, and get enough sleep!

And hey, I know you shouldnt be thinking about resits right now, but they're NOT the end of the world. Just read some of the comments on my latest post (AFTER your exams, little lady. Back to the books with you!)

Anonymous said...

*hugs* and bags of luck, not that you'll need it! I'll be thinking of you and sending medical thoughts your way!

Health Watch Center said...

very good advice the angry medic, good sleep always makes everyone fresh.