I have an exam on Wednesday. I need my computer to revise and study.
Except, computer has decided that now is the time for it to meet its maker.
It's not been doing well lately, but it is 4 years old and has had everything that modern computer medicine can offer, including recently a new power supply, fan and memory.
Sadly it now won't boot. No reformat will work.
Equally, I have debts to the university still, a deposit to pay for my new house, and I'm going on a voluntary holiday to help disabled children (for which I have to find train fare to get there!)
Never rains but it pours....
And I have to go out and spend my rent money for my new house on a new computer, so I was wondering if any of you guys might be feeling generous at the end of the month......
I know, I know, I'm a scrounging student.
But please, feel the pity!
I have an old PC kicking about that still works fine if you're interested I could maybe send it down.
Or use uni/public computers and use the rent money to pay for the rent... Not having a computer at home is an inconvenience but still entirely possible to survive without one. How about using the money to pay rent and any leftover to go towards your debts to the university?
I agree with anonymous, it's disgusting that you have to keep asking for money on your blog, are there not any grants of some kind that your university can inform you of, that are available to people in your position.
OMG... no wonder the two comments above were anonymous. What small-minded individuals. The uni/public computers won't be available at 11:00 pm or 2:00 am which is when you might need to study.
Like Dundee above, I have an old laptop kicking around that I don't use any more. The battery doesn't hold a charge for more than a few minutes but it has a power cord and you're welcome to it.
I'm in Hampshire, so slightly nearer than Dundee (I think). If you're interested reply to this comment and I'll let you have my email address so we can discuss further.
nicki - time management will ensure people can access computers at times when they need to. It isn't rocket science. At my uni two of the computer rooms are 24 hour access.
If people are willing to give a computer they no longer need to Merys then that's great but please don't knock others who comment on her priorities of buying a new computer over paying rent and paying off university debts.
Your uni may have 24 hour access. Are you at the same uni as Merys? Has it escaped your notice that Merys also uses her computer to sell jewellry to raise money to fund her education? Have you thought about the fact that she may need to check her email regularly to see if she has casual employment? Have you considered she may need a computer to communicate with family?
I am as entitled to comment as you. How would you like to be labelled "disgusting"? (I'm assuming that's not you but another anonymous btw).
Priorities have to be personal because we are all in a different situation. Why do you feel the need to comment negatively on a post from someone who's obviously trying her best?
Here here nicky! I agree with you entirely, not only that but why read if you don't like the blog that much, no one forces you to come and look...
One thing I've wondered though is about this "anonymous" person on the internet, they seem to be everywhere with nothing positive to say...
Congrats Merys on sorting out a 'puter, and getting through to the third year. I hope it treats you better than the last :) Although one piece of advice to get rid of anonymous would be to disable that setting if possible. If people have something to say, negative or otherwise they should have the courage to stand up and be counted.
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