13 December 2005


It would seem like a new species of shrub has been discovered at my university campus. To be honest, it is probably common in many other campuses, as well as parks and fields.

Humourus leafius, also known as the giggling bush has been spotted fairly frequently around here. It can be identified by the shaking of it's leaves, occasionally emitting low moaning noises, and the frequent appearance of a human limb, or even a shoe.

While initially amusing, the increasing frequency with which this species appears will cause annoyance when they emerge beneath one's window in the wee small hours. In order to terminate the re-occurance of this species from a particular site, a pint glass of water poured into the offending shrub should do the job, as well as a flash of a camera into the foliage, or the appearance of a torch beam.

Further sightings should be logged for future reference

Merys Attenborough


MuppetLord said...

Hmm, perhaps there is a need to set up a webcast of the offending bushes.


Anonymous said...

where I come from we don't even use bushes for cover...

thinblueline said...

I neeed to transder to the local police in your area .....