When you spend £125 on a pair of glasses and then further money on special lens coatings on them as well, you expect them to be fine for a while at least.
I bought these ones, and they were lovely for 4 whole days, until the arm went on the right side.
OK, so I took them back.
Except that even though they replaced them, the second pair did the same thing. My glasses laid completely on the wonk on my face, and no amount of work in the opticians would fix them.
I had a bit of a fight on my hands, as they were convinced I'd been breaking them myself. I wish.
I'm never buying FCUK glasses again. Osiris here I come...
Can't believe they tried to acus you of breaking them yourself!! unfortunatley, Osiris glasses are made by the same people... all specsavers (who it sounds like you brought them from )do is liscence thier 'designer' brands from the 'brand' and then produce the glasses themselves- which enables them to buy them in at less than £4 a pair (!!!) plus lesnses (at around £5-8 for a pair of 'normal' lesnes) and why you'll never find Gucci, Prada et al glasses in specsavers, as the brands refuse to liscence their name to specsavers... best bet is to try somewhere else next time, as with your student discount, most other shops (optical express, vison express etc) will give you 25% of and that should make thier 'real' designer glassess less then the £125+coatings you paid...
Hmm I think that my body generally is just not designed for fashion - be it hairstyles, glasses or clothing. I seem to be an odd size in everything and so look ridiculous if I try to look cool.
I had shilouette glasses for 3 years and they just would not sit straight at all ever, always on a tilt, until I gave up and went back to proper frames or contacts.
Contacts being great until your eyes are really dry and you rub them with you hand only to remove one contact at 4pm, on a day you didn't bring you glasses when you have a 4-5pm lecture on 'stuff that will be very useful for the exam' - whoops!
They should replace them AGAIN.
Cheeky bastards! I can't believe that they suggested that you were breaking them and then bringing them back... And you would do that for what, exactly? Entertainment purposes?
Best off trying a new pair... if you can afford it, Ted Bakers are usually very nice.
I made them replace them for me free of charge and add all my lens coatings back on too.
This time, some Osiris ones, but I guess they could be just as bad!
Grrr. I feel your pain.
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