22 July 2005

sheer frustration

I guess I'm just having a moan yet again, but I've been getting more and more frustrated by people who try to blow up my country. I am, however going to refrain from comments regarding race and religion, as I have my opinions, but this is not the arena for me to air them in.

On a seperate matter, I've got a second job now as well as at the hospital. It's just at a leisure centre, but I've got a supervisors job due to prior experience and the variety of previous jobs I've had. The problem now is finding time to sleep and eat, but at least I can only whinge about that (and the fact that I'm being taxed 22% due to having two jobs [*sob*]).

I've also recently decided to try and get into a paramedic practice / science course at one of the 4 places that does it. But bloody hell, the physical assessment is hard, and I consider myself relatively fit. In fact I started back at the gym today in order to get ready for (hopefully) getting to the interview stage.
I still might do a masters, but hopefully the other med school will still take me, as they are allegedly still thinking about it.

Please leave me a message if you're popping by, i'm getting concerned that no-one is reading this anymore.



Anonymous said...

At least two.

Although, I'm trying to remember how I got here, and I'm getting nothin'.

Anonymous said...

I'm still reading!

Anonymous said...


A message is dropped.