30 November 2010

A grand balls up

On December 8th the results of UKFPO will be out and 7073 final year medical students will find out where in the country their first job will be .

Sadly 184 will not. The programme is truly over subscribed for the first time ever.

There is not yet a firm contingency plan, just a hope to place people as drop outs or failures occur.

I'm worried...

10 November 2010

Sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in.

Disclaimer: I do not condone the use of violence to prove a point. Just saying.

Today students stood up for what they believe in. For what is fundamentally right. It takes balls to do that and I wish I could have joined them (for the peaceful protest part - I'm not up for throwing things and hitting people).

Tuition fees was a stupid idea to start with. Whatever happened to University education for all? 

Sometimes you just have to stand up and be counted. Had I not been on placement I would have been there, protesting peacefully.

05 November 2010

You'd think it was nearly Christmas!

First mince pie of the year. I love Starbucks.

04 November 2010

Intense times

Wow. Fifth year is a really stressful year so far. Academically its not challenging, but in terms of actual contact time through university and placements we're all run ragged. I know its good preparation for working, but as an F1 there's the financial incentive too.

It's time for some serious nose to the grindstone.
Wish me luck.